Sharing a bit of me with the world

How often should a MAN RELEASE SPERM?

How often should a man release semen or sperm? This is a question that many men have, wondering whether they are evacuating the sperm in their bodies as quickly as they should. This video give answers to the question and explains some of the reasons why men do not ejaculate, and the benefits and disadvantages […]

FERTILE period to have a BABY

Usually, an egg is released from a woman’s ovary about once every month, and the body usually gives some signs that could be indicators that ovulation is either about to take place or is currently taking place. This video talks about hints that the body gives around this time that let a woman know that she […]


Learn how to improve your erections without using drugs. Erection Erections Satisfy your wife in bed Last longer in bed Last longer as a man No more poor erection  

Why do you have POOR ERECTIONS?

Worried about why your erections don’t occur as quickly as they used to, or are not as strong as they used to, or lasts for only a short time? This video answers your questions. Poor Erection, Weak Erection, Sexual Stamina, Strong Erection, Last Longer in Bed, Why you do not last long in bed? Link […]

Are You Are The Father?

Many people talk about having DNA tests done to know if you are the father of a child (for paternity ascertainment) but can you really just up and do one? Do you have the right to? Have you seen my video about DNA testing in Nigeria? Watch it here: DNA Test Legal Angle Paternity […]

Valentine’s Day Peer Pressure /Love on Valentine’s

Chit chat about Valentine’s Day Peer Pressure. Please share your thought in the comment section. ……………………….. I hear some of you are taking things to ‘boost your erection’ and ‘giddem’, I just said lemme tell you sha, That you should be ‘calming down’,  😁😁 ‘Plix’, take it easy

DNA Paternity Test Nigeria

Quite a number of men are raising children who are not biologically theirs, without their knowledge. A high court judge in Delta State recently released a press statement saying that he carried out DNA testing on his children from his first wife, and found that none of them were biologically his. This is a sad […]

Tetanus Story and Prevention

Tetanus is a disease that can affect anyone as the bacterium that causes it us found very commonly in our environment. Please watch this video to find out how you can prevent yourself and your loved ones from contracting tetanus.